A Blog that seems to work sometimes... Listening on port 65536

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

October 26

26th October is gone. Google came to campus for a pre-placement talk - showed ominous signs - will probably hire one person from the whole lot. A kid died today in a truck-accident. Apparently, he was going to join Muskaan today. I discovered the problem statement of my project and a possible solution. Quite an eventful day.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Total of 15 days left

A sum total of 15 of my good days is what is left with me. A set of 15 days which will decide my entire life. The days will decide if I live the life of a meteor or that of an ugly and useless asteroid. These days are all that I have. And I have got to make the best of 'em. I burn to be the best and I will.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Dear people,

The last Sunday, I went to a market to buy some books. There I saw something, which could turn the whole world around, well atleast for the computer scientists and mathematicians, and logicians, and statisticians, and programmers, and theoreticians, and ...

I saw this stationey shop which had a hoarding saying "Xerox photocopy 50 NP". Intrigued, I went inside and asked the guy sitting on the unusually withered chair - what's with the NP? "50 Paisa saheb", was his curt answer, pointing to another board which said "copies at just 50 P per copy". Nemesis fell... 50P = 50NP, or in other words P = NP. Hee ha ha ha...
